Chakra System
Seven Chakras
Chakra Table
Chakra Link

The Seven Chakras


'muladhara' Name : Muladhara ("Foundation")
Location: Base of spine
Human nature: Acceptance
Color: Red
Appearance: 4-leaf-lotus
Seed Syllable: "LAM"

Chakra One: Earth, Physical identity, oriented to self-preservation.

The lowest of the seven principal psychoenergetic centers (chakras) of the body.This chakra is located at the base of the spine and represents an unusually powerful source of energy and power. The verb associated with this chakra is "I have".

A yoga posture that helps to open the first Chakra is SETUBANDHA ASANA or BRIDGE POSTURE. This posture helps you to focus on the first chakra energy.

Sethubandhasana - Bridge Posture

bridge posture

Lie on your back with the knees up and the arms alongside the body. Your feet should be near your buttocks about six inches apart.

While inhaling, gently raise your back and lift the spine, trying to move one vertebra at a time until your entire back is arched upward. Push firmly with your feet. Keep your knees straight and close together.

Clasp your hands under your back and push against the floor. Hold the inhaled breath and stay for a while.

Slowly exhale and relax on your back.

Other benefits: Increases flexibility and suppleness; strengthens the lower back and abdominal muscles; opens the chest.


'swadisthana' Name: Swadisthana ("Dwelling Place of the Self")
Location: Genitals
Human nature: Creativity
Color: Orange
Appearance: 6-leaf-lotus
Seed Syllable: "VAM"

Chakra Two: Water, Emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification

The second chakra is connected to the genitals and the bladder. This chakra regulates and enhances the physical strength and the internal energy of the body. If we are overly inclined towards base pleasures we naturally waste much of our strength without being able to gain it back. Our body then slowly weakens. On the other hand, if we are wise enough to keep this life force intact, this chakra will become highly developed. It will direct this life force to the brain, thereby rendering us more perceptive day by day. The verb that best describes this chakra is "I feel".

A yoga posture that helps to open the second Chakra is BHUJANGA ASANA or COBRA POSTURE.

Bhujangasana - Cobra Posture

cobra posture

Lie on the stomach. Keep your legs together with the arms alongside the body and your hands close to your chest.

While inhaling, slowly raise your head and chest as high as you can. Keep your buttocks muscles tight to protect your lower back.

Now gently raise yourself on your arms stretching the spine more and go as far as you are comfortable. Hold the inhaled breath. Your pelvis should always remain on the floor. Stay for a while.

Slowly exhale and return to the prone posture.

Other benefits: Stretches the spine, strengthens the back and arms, helpful in bronchitis, asthma and cervical spondylitis, reduces abdominal fat.


'manipura' Name: Manipura ("City of Gems")
Location: Solar plexus
Human nature: Commitment
Color: Yellow Shadow
Appearance: 10-leaf-lotus
Seed Syllable: "RAM"

Chakra Three: Fire, Ego identity, oriented to self-definition

The third chakra is located on the spine at the level of the navel. It is believed there is a triangular region of fire within this chakra. It uses the energy contained in our daily food to nourish our internal or life energy thus regulating the metabolism. If this regulation is weak many visceral diseases develop - particularly cancers. This chakra is also called the 'power Chakra' and represents personal power or willpower. The verb associated with the third chakra is "I can".

The yoga posture that helps to open the third chakra is DHANURA ASANA - BOW POSTURE.

Dhanurasana - Bow Posture

bow posture

Lie on the stomach with the arms alongside the body and the chin on the floor.

Exhale, bend the knees, reach back with the arms and grasp the right ankle with the right hand and the left ankle with the left hand.

While inhaling, slowly raise the legs by pulling the ankles up and raising the knees off the floor while simultaneously lifting the chest off the floor. Hold the inhaled breath. The weight of the body should be resting on the abdomen.

Tilt the head as far back as possible. Hold the posture as long as you can comfortably holding the inhaled breath.

Slowly exhale bringing the knees to the floor, release the ankles, slowly bring the legs and arms straight down on the floor and return to the prone posture.

Other benefits: A good stimulating posture for the back and limbs, it removes gastro-intestinal disorders, improves digestion and helps in slimming the body and abdomen.


'anahata' Name: Anahata ("Free from Constraint")
Location: Heart
Human nature: Compassion
Color: Green Shadow
Appearance: 12-leaf-lotus
Seed Syllable: "YAM"

Chakra Four: Air, Social identity, oriented to self-acceptance

The fourth chakra is located on the spine at the level of the heart. It is also known as the "lotus of the heart". It pertains to the soul - mercy, compassion, purity and nobility of soul, absolute goodness, tolerance, forgiveness and the endless love that embraces the universe. When this great vital point is unblocked the chakra begins to spin at a very high speed and all the cells in our body vibrate at such a high frequency that we are able to express our love and compassion to all people. If this chakra remains sealed and does not function, although we may speak of mercy our words will have no concrete effect. In the context of energy transfers, this chakra is used in the treatment of heart ailments and problems with blood. The verb that best describes this chakra is "I love".

A yoga posture that is excellent for opening the 4th chakra is USHTRA ASANA - CAMEL POSTURE.

Ushtrasana - Camel Posture

camel posture

Sit up on the knees with the heels of the feet pressed against the buttocks and the calves of the legs flat on the floor.

Reaching backward, grasp the left ankle with the left hand and right ankle with the right hand.

Inhale through the nostrils and lift the buttocks off the legs arching the back and thrusting the abdomen forward and tilt the head as far back as possible.

Either hold the posture for the duration of the inhaled breath or breathe gently through the nostrils while holding the posture.

Exhale and return to the kneeling position.

Other benefits: Makes the spine flexible, increases blood-flow to the brain. Good for back problems.


'vishuddhi' Name: Vishuddhi ("Pure")
Location: Throat
Human nature: Truth
Color: Blue Shadow
Appearance: 16-leaf-lotus
Seed Syllable: "HAM">

Chakra Five: Sound, Creative identity, oriented to self-expression

The fifth chakra deals with the respiratory system, nose, lungs, throat and skin. In fact it is connected to all those organs that are in contact with air. It is located on the spine at about the same level as the Adam's apple. This center is also known as the 'great doorway to liberation'. This chakra is related to communication and creativity. Here we experience the world symbolically through vibration - such as the vibration of sound representing language. The verb associated with the fifth chakra is "I speak".

A yoga posture that is excellent for opening the 5th chakra is MATSYA aSANA - FISH POSTURE.

Matsyasana - Fish Posture

fish posture

Lie flat on your back.

Keeping the buttocks on the floor, inhale and raise the head, shoulders, back and upper arms off the floor arching the back and raising the chest up. Tilt the head back and place the top of the head flat on the floor.

Raise the elbows off the floor bring your hands up just below the back and join them at the palms with the fingers pointing straight up. Hold for the duration of the inhaled breath or breathe gently through the nostrils to remain in the posture longer.

Exhale and relax on your back.

Other benefits: Good for Diabetes and Asthma patients and people with other lung diseases.


'ajna' Name: Ajna ("Ausrerity")
Location: Between eyebrows
Human nature: Intuition
Color: Indigo
Appearance: 96-leaf-lotus(2x48)
Seed Syllable: "OM"

Chakra Six: Light, Archetypal identity, oriented to self-reflection

The sixth chakra is often referred to as the third or divine eye. It is located in the middle of the forehead, about one centimeter above the middle point of the eyebrows. The activation of this chakra is said to lead to psychic powers called siddhi including clairvoyance and telepathic communication. This center can be used in transferring energy to any point in the universe thus overcoming the boundaries of time and space. Someone with a well-developed sixth chakra will be better able to listen to their intuition and connect with the divine side of life and see the 'big picture'. The verb associated with this chakra is "I see".

The yoga posture for both 6th and 7th chakra is YOGA MUDRA.

Yoga mudra

yoga mudra

Sit on your knees.

Bend forward and touch the floor with your forehead. Inhale and hold the breath.

Release the breath and return.

Other benefits: Stimulates the nervous system and strengthens the abdominal and pelvic muscles. Also helps in improving digestion and relieving constipation.


'sahasrara' Name: Sahasrara ("Thousand Petalled")
Location:Top of the head
Human nature: Boundlessness
Color: Violet
Appearance: 1000-leaf-lotus
Seed Syllable: "!"

Chakra Seven: Thought, Universal identity, oriented to self-knowledge.

The seventh chakra is found at the top most point of the head. It is the chakra that is used when there are problems with the nervous system. This center is described as a white lotus in whose center resides the Self. A well-developed seventh chakra is an indication that someone has reached a very high level of spirituality. This chakra relates to consciousness as pure awareness. It is our connection to the greater world beyond - to a timeless, spaceless place of all-knowing. When developed this chakra brings us knowledge and wisdom and the experience is supreme bliss. The verb that best describes this chakra is "I know".

The yogic path for seventh chakra is MEDITATION.



Meditation is a yogic process of providing deep rest to the system by allowing the mind to calm down to its basal states.

Benefits of meditation are many. Improved concentration, memory, emotional equipoise and higher creativity are observed. Meditation provides deep relaxation to the body and mind.
For yoga therapy visit - sVYASA (Swami Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation)

With the discovery and the opening of the seventh chakra, we transend from the physical to something beyond....a greater consciousness. After all, we are not our bodies, but our minds and souls. We are part of the collective consciousness. We are part of the Great Spirit.
